When 1+1=3

cancer-cellsWith so much information available to the modern consumer, the dilemma becomes “who can you believe these days?”  So many rush to google, Web MD, and the plethora of web sites and books that come off as being the holy grail to health and science.  Even my blog starts to become the “answer” for many…and truth be told, all I want for everyone to do is THINK!!  So much of what we know today is self evident, and we know when something sounds fishy.  The reason for my title, When 1+1=3, simply states in this day and age that a lot of the time, things just don’t add up.  Let me give you a few examples.  In my office, we take care of a wide range of individuals….from new born infants to octogenarians.

This past Friday, I had a long term patient tell me he just got diagnosed with stage four Pancreatic Cancer.  Another patient and dear friend just started chemotherapy for breast cancer.  These 2 have been in the past 2 weeks…where throughout my 33 years in practice, I can’t count the number of people who have been diagnosed with cancer.  Here comes the question.  Ready?  Here it is… The one everyone asks-  “Hey Dr. Ron, how can the chemotherapy get me healthy when it is going to poison my entire body?”  Yup, this is one of the most asked questions I recieve from those newly diagnosed patients.  What I love about the question is THEY ARE THINKING!!  Rational thoughts and deduction tell us one thing…and the status quo tells us another.   There are so many great places to get objective information on cancer these days its crazy.  From Peopleagainstcancer.net to cancertutor.com, the list is endless on information that is available.  Bottom line, do your research and make the logical, most thought out decision that rings true for you.  One might ask, “What does a Chiropractor do for cancer and why do your patients with cancer continue to see you??”  The answer is quite simple.  Chiropractors work with the Nervous System, which has the job of controlling and running every system within your body, including the immune system.

When conventional (and non-conventional) cancer treatments are being used, the primary job for Chiropractors to do is keep the Nervous System functioning at it’s optimal level.  By doing this, no matter what the patients cancer treatment is, the body with cancer will have a greater chance of healing because its Nervous System is communicating at a high level.  Simple but powerful…and makes so much sense.  I always ask, “Who wouldn’t want their Master Control System (Nervous System) functioning at it’s highest level, no matter what the condition is or isn’t?”  The 1+1=3 equation can be used for weight loss, pediatrics, ear infections, etc., etc..  Keep doing your research, keep learning and keep questioning the authorities.  The Latin word Doctor means Teacher…and make us teach you what you want to learn.  Never succumb to a higher degree, or feel embarrassed to ask what’s on your mind.  It’s your right as a consumer, patient, and person to take responsibility for your own health, and by doing so, ask for everything you want to know.

Speaking about Cancer, check out what Johns Hopkins University supposedly said about Cancer and conventional therapies.  The respected University did not author the article, but I certainly feel many of the points make great sense.

Click here to read the article and tell me what you think.

I welcome your thoughts, questions, and comments.  Remember, we are all in this together, so let’s share our knowledge, spread our love, and live our lives to the fullest!!

Dr. Ron